4 Ways to Turn Your Backyard into Your Own Sanctuary

I am sure we have all heard that when we get stressed, we need to unplug and spend time in nature. Being in nature is a natural mood booster which can decrease levels of depression and anxiety. It seems so easy and such a commonsense thing to do. But how often do we actually spend time outside?  Well, I don’t know about you but when I am stressed it is usually because I feel completely overwhelmed in life most likely due to time constraints. I feel like I can barely keep up with all of my own demands, let alone go on a nature walk. To be honest my self-care is usually the first thing that I let go of in the sake of saving time which honestly ends up hurting me more in the long run. It would be wonderful if we can spend time connecting with nature everyday but sometimes that is not always realistic. I think it is crucial to have a place setup in your own backyard that you can unplug just for this reason.

 Maybe start with I am going to spend 15 minutes every day just quieting my thoughts and admiring all the natural beauty around me. For me personally I live in a townhome, so our backyard space is pretty small, and our neighbors are close. It is not uncommon to be able to hear other conversations or dogs barking. I was very mindful when we moved in that I wanted our backyard to feel like a Zen sanctuary. I took some time to think of what I wanted the space to feel like and I encourage you to do the same. What would complete tranquility look like to you?

For me sound, visuals, space and grounding were at the top of my list.

Listed below are the same products that I have in my own backyard. I only recommend products that I actually use and enjoy. (Full disclosure I am an Amazon Affiliate and I do earn a small fee on eligible purchases at no extra cost to you) 


 We have a water fountain that I put on as soon as I go outside. The sound of the water trickle is so calming and really helps drown out other background noise. For me this really helps sets the tone of the space. It sets the intention of this is relaxing time.

Also on our list was a bird feeder. I have never really been into bird watching myself but now that we have one, I have really enjoyed it. The sounds of the birds chirping all around just makes you feel like you are engulfed in the trees. I have gotten to know what the different chirps sound like and love watching them interact. Just watching the birds in itself can be so relaxing and joyful. If I am having a day where I am having a difficult time turning off my over thinking brain instead of scrolling on social media I will go sit outside and just watch the birds. It gives you a visual to focus on while calming the internal chatter and you also get outside and spend some time in the fresh air.

A deep tone windchime is one of my favorite things. It almost sounds like a gong which I find auditorily pleasing and so calming. If I have the backdoor open and can hear the chime dinging it is almost as if the outdoors is calling to me to come out and enjoy.

Just these three things are so simple, yet really creates a place that sets a calming tone which I think is so needed for our busy and often hectic lifestyles.


I have always really liked the visual look of Japanese gardens, so I knew I wanted to incorporate some of that in our space to feel more Zen.

My husband and I were members of a Japanese garden in south Florida, and I loved their minimal aesthetic with such precision to detail. Rain catchers were common to see on the property and I really loved that idea of watching the rain fall. So, we have one hanging on a tree where I will literally sit on our patio and watch the rain drizzle down. Such a simple thing to do but another thing that gives your brain something to focus on that is so soothing and can simmer down the internal chatter of our ongoing to do lists.

I also got a small statue that is the silhouette of a girl that is sitting cross legged with her palms facing up towards the sky. I call her my Zen girl : ) Just a reminder to be present in the moment and grateful for our time here on this Earth. There are all different kinds of garden statues that you can get but this one in particular really spoke to me. Get something that not only compliments your space but also is meaningful to what you want this space to represent. For me, I want to be more like this Zen girl and this little statue is the perfect reminder.

Our last visual item is lighting. We have globe stringed lights hung along the fence and an electric fire table. I think lighting can really make or break a space. Sometimes I wouldn’t get outside until much later than I would have liked. If my choices were to sit in the dark or with a bright patio light, I probably would have skipped for the day. But by having the soft warm glow of the lights and the tricking sound of the waterfall it really does make the space inviting.

The fire table is again another visual that I could sit and watch for the longest time. I love being able to bring in the natural elements in a practical and easy way that really promotes relaxation and mindfulness.


I think it is important to have a designated spot where you sit to make this a part of your daily routine. This makes it habitual.  For me I have a large outdoor couch that I can comfortable sit crossed legged that is positioned under the trees and that is where I sit in the morning for my mediation.

I also have a swing hanging from a large oak tree that is facing the bird feeder that I will sit in for that purpose.

These are two separate spaces with two different intentions and vibes but sets the tone for myself of what I am wanting to get out of this time in nature.


The Earth is an amazing thing and getting in sync with all that it has to offer is truly wondrous. When I am feeling more disconnected, I know it is time for me to get dirty – or garden. Just spending some time with our hands in the soil or grounding ourselves by being barefoot in the grass. This is a direct way to really immerse ourselves in nature.

I think it is so important to remember that we are our own creators. We get to create spaces that are relaxing and meaningful to us. In our time in life productivity and working crazy hours is glorified. I think it is so important for everyone to have a space in their home where they can truly check out and tune in to themself. If that means getting a specific chair to reflect in and watch a bird feeder than go for it!


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