Ways to bring Hygge to your home

A few years ago I had never heard of hygge let alone able to pronounce it correctly. Now it is apart of my daily life and let me tell you it is here to stay.

Hygge ˈh(y)o͞oɡə, ˈho͝oɡə is defined as


1.  a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)

I am a big fan of setting an intention with life and what we want out of it. I want to be able to spend time connected with my family and not just waiting for the weekend or date nights to enjoy each other’s company. I think it can be really easy to just sit in front of the tv after work and mindlessly flip through the channels or be so consumed with our phones that we don’t even know what is happening right in front of us. I am 100% guilty of this and still have those kind of nights here and there. But I want a majority of my evenings to feel connected.

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What should we watch?

First, let me start with the tv- I don’t think that watching tv is bad at all. But let’s pick what we want the feel of the night to be like. Be intentional and mindful of how you are going to spend your time. Do we want to watch a thriller, learn something, feel like we are experiencing a new place, laugh, or watch a comfort show that we have watched so many times before like Friends or Seinfeld?  It’s the idea of setting that intention of what we feel like absorbing. Not just getting off the couch at the end of the night and not even realizing what we had on the last hour.

Dim those lights

Now I have said this before and I will say it again. Lights can make or break a space. In the evening, especially with hygge you really want more dim lighting that has a warm glow. I have a salt lamp that I really enjoy having on just for that very reason and a standing floor lamp that has that warm light.  Next I go to candles. I really like the candles that illuminate light in decorative hurricane votives. I also have a candle sconce on top of the fireplace and also two hanging on the wall. I love the flickering light coming in on all varied heights and patterns. It just screams HYGGE TIME.

Get snuggly

When I think hygge I think snuggling and that means different textures of blankets and pillows as well as a comfy couch. I definitely have different blankets that I use in the winter versus the summer months. But I truly do love the soft textures and that to me sets the space to curl up and snuggle. As far as buying pillows I love going to Home Goods and checking out their pillow aisle! They have such a good selection of colors and textures. My look is definitely boho so I have lots of colors, textures and designs going on.

Oh that smells nice

I usually have my essential oil diffuser on if I am home. By far my favorite smells are the DoTerra Peace and Balance. They are more earthy scents and it just feels like it is time to unwind and decompress when they are on.

And Hygge

Now imagine this setting with your favorite drink in your hand. Whether it is a warm cup of tea or a glass of wine . . . it just doesn’t get better than this.  And the great news is you can do this whenever you want. It doesn’t have to be just on the weekend or a special day. It really is as easy as picking a show, turning the lights down, lighting some candles, turning on your diffuser and sitting down with a glass of wine : )


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