Tune Fork Flow

Helping you feel more connected to the life you are living.

Interested in learning more or booking a session?

Contact info below



Do you feel constant stress, anxiety, or tension? Do you feel disconnected to your life, as if it is passing you by without feeling joy? Have you been through difficult things in your life that you feel are still impacting your life currently? Do you have a hard time going to sleep due to an overactive mind? Are you grieving a loss or tragedy?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, tune fork sessions could be an excellent option to enhance healing. Instead of going to therapy for years or reliving painful memories, this is a way to work through these emotions that have been stored in the body while resting and letting the sound and vibration work through you.

  • Pain

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Grief

  • Insomnia

  • Sciatica

  • PTSD

How Does it Work?

Tuning forks have been around for thousands of years. They are now getting more recognition for healing with not just physical pain but emotional traumas. One to two forks are used at time, the therapist will gong them so that they make a sound through the vibration. They will then be moved around the body to help filter and move stuck energy in your biofield or placed on your body that coincides with meridian lines used in acupuncture. This is a powerful way of healing that can help activate change immediately.

Looking Deeper

We are all made up of energy. When our energy or chi is not flowing properly that is when pathologies or illnesses arise. The tuning forks all have different frequencies or vibrations that correlate with different parts of the body. Every part of the body has its own rhythm and by working with the tuning forks it is a noninvasive way to get back “in tune”.

During a tuning fork session, we will work with your energy field, chakras and specific acupressure points on the body based on your needs.

When weighted tuning forks are placed on specific points of the body it stimulates the production of nitric oxide which is in all the main organ systems. We need nitric oxide to live- it fights off bacteria and viruses and once the invader is neutralized it signals our body to rest. Our bodies go in 6 minute puffing cycles that are closely linked to our autonomic nervous system –fight or flight and then to rest and digest. When we are under stress the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance is thrown off. The CDC says that 85% of disease is caused by stress. The result of this is compromised nitric oxide production which can lead to lack of energy, joint pain, depression, decrease sexual drive, headaches, mild depression, memory loss and poor digestion.  Over prolonged periods it can lead to more severe illnesses – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease and cancer.

Research has shown that the 128 cps tuning fork will spike nitic oxide and enhance puffing rhythms to restore function.

What to Expect During a Session

First, getting to know you – we will briefly go over the intake form and discuss any concerns. It is not recommended if you have a pacemaker, have had concussion within 3 months or pregnant.

Before beginning I will start with a grounding exercise and ask you to state an intention. This is something you can keep private or share out loud. Just keep in mind however open you are to this experience is what you will get out of it.

You will lie down on the therapy table ( wear comfy clothes) and I will first start by working with the energy field around the body about 6 feet out to the side all the way to your midline center. This goes in line with the chakras where a person can have stored trauma or experiences that have been tucked away and have not fully been dealt with. These experiences can show up in recurring patterns in life or feelings that reemerge from time to time. By working with the sound and frequency it is a way to “comb through” these pockets and help work through these stored emotions. Once the energy field has been worked with, I will then release the stored emotions through the chakra centers in both the front and back for harmony.

We will then discuss any areas that were observed by the practitioner – areas that sounded off tune or where resistance was felt. The client can also note any emotions or things that came up during that time. It is common to see colors or feel emotions during this practice. Whatever the concerns are we will move forward with the weighted tuning forks placing on the body on specific acupressure points. The therapist will gong the tuning fork and place the flat end on the body completing 2 times per point.

Lastly, we will focus on a reset based on your needs. This consists of listening to two tuning forks at the same time on each side of the ear and then flip flopping. Based on what you are working on you will listen to 4-6 sets two times.

Most people note after a session feeling relaxed, lighter, and sleeping better. However, after a tuning fork session you may experience a healing crisis. You are stirring up stored emotions and frequencies that need to be processed and let go, think of it as an emotional detox. The tuning fork is doing the work for you but you may feel tired, emotional or a little blue after the session. Be sure to drink lots of water, spend time in the sunshine and grounding activities. Walk around in the grass barefoot if possible and meditate or journal. I typically recommend three sessions once a week to start and then follow up as needed.

About Me

Hi! I am Lindsey and I am so excited to work with you! A little information on me – I am a practicing Occupational Therapist loving all things holistic and self-healing. I am a certified Integrated Listening System provider and was amazed to see the progress patients could make by listening to certain songs with specific pitch, frequency, and bone conduction through headphones. That piqued my interest in healing through sound and vibration.

Personally, I turned to energy work after struggling with grief due to my brother’s unexpected death. I felt an unshaken dissatisfaction down to my core with a life I so carefully built. By working with my energy, I was able to clear old blocks and find new levels of happiness that I never thought possible.

I have since studied all things tuning forks taking additional coursework. I am now combining all my passions and helping others “tune in” to a healthy vibration. By clearing old emotional blocks and aligning yourself to your highest potential, I am confident the progress you will find in yourself will be astounding.

Truly excited to be a part of this journey with you!

At this time, I offer in home services in Jacksonville FL or distance sessions over the phone. Sessions are $120 and typically last around 1 hour. To schedule an appointment info@tuneforkflow.com call or text 904-868-6082