5 Ways to Incorporate Good Vibes into Your House

I did not grow up in a house that was mindful of your energy or vibe and all of the things I am about to talk about were considered woo woo. I can’t really say I had an opinion one way or another when I was younger, but I was always open to alternative ways of thinking. I think one thing we can all agree on is that we are all energy. I know I can feel the tension in a room when I walk in after there was an argument. You know the saying “You could cut the tension with a knife”. Or after there was a guest that had a lot of energy the room almost feels depleted. Well in our homes there are bound to be disagreements from time to time and there are probably going to be snarky comments or tones made out of frustration. I know in my home that is always a work in a progress- better communication but also the ability to voice our needs. Whatever the source might be we definitely do not want those vibes hanging around.

These are some practical ways that you can clear the energy in your home and make it apart of your routine.

(Full disclosure I am an Amazon Affiliate and I do earn a small fee on eligible purchases at no extra cost to you. If I recommend it, I personally own it and would recommend the item to my own friends and family.)


I cannot express enough how much I love sage sticks. For those of you that are new to this let me tell you it will be life changing. At least it was for me. Smudging is something that I have incorporated into my weekly cleaning routine, so I do sage the whole house at least once a week. Now if there is any type of emotionally charged conversation, a hard day where we bring frustrations home from work, after a guest leaves, or in a negative thought pattern I sage then as well. You can see there are some seasons in life that you could sage everyday maybe even multiple times a day. In my opinion I think it makes a tremendous difference in the mood or vibe of the physical place as well as make you more mindful of all the sage worthy moments. Do you really want to have to sage everyday because of that guy you are dating, the stress at your job, the friend who is not good to you – whatever it might be. It makes you mindful of those moments that pop up and the ones that come up frequently – well it might be time to make a change or stock up on sage sticks.

The white sage is supposed to cleanse, bless and heal and it can be used with both spaces and people. They also have all different kinds of bundles if you like lavender or juniper as well. I honestly recommend trying a variety of different sticks because they all feel so different. Make sure you have an empty heat proof bowl to catch the ash as well as to put out the flame when you are done.

If you are in a space that you cannot have a flame, like work for instance, they do have the spray bottles which are great. I actually used this quite a bit while I was finishing up my notice at my last job. I prefer to smudge with the sage stick at home but this is a great option when in a bind and it smells so good!

        SALT LAMP

I currently have a salt lamp downstairs in our living room and upstairs in our bedroom. It is very much part of my daily routine. At night I put the light on upstairs. Whenever I open the door to the bedroom to lay down for the night I always take a big breath and smile. It makes the bedroom feel so tranquil and relaxing. I have always tried to incorporate easy ways to feel luxurious and this is one of them. It really helps put all the chatter in my mind to ease and feels like I’m in a relaxing haven before bed. It makes the space feel intentional and Zen. If you do not have a salt lamp in your bedroom for that purpose alone I highly recommend one.

We also keep a salt lamp downstairs and if I am home, it is on. First of all the warm glow just adds such a nice lighting to the space. In the evening we try to dim all the lights and it really does make it feel cozy.

Benefits from a salt lamp

  •         Ionizes air

  •         Purifies air

  •         Creates serotonin which improves mood

  •         Promotes relaxation which can help in sleep


Crystals might not be for everyone, but I have noticed a big difference since I started incorporating them into my life. I often wear a bracelet with a specific crystal that I am working with, currently its moonstone and malachite. I am also a big fan of having crystals around the house. First off, I think they are pretty and I like the aesthetic so when I look at my crystals it makes me smile. I also really like looking at them as a physical intention. Like next to makeup bag I have a rose quarts for self love that reminder to be kind to myself or by my nightstand celestite for peaceful dreams. These little reminders all around me and when I need an extra reminder, I carry it in my pocket for the day or put it next to my computer at work. Below is a list that I think is great to start with. Make sure you cleanse before you start using – moonlight, soil, water (make sure it can tolerate water),  and sage are all options.

Clear Quartz- amplifies positive energy and clears negative energy

Black tourmaline – by the front door- protection

Citrine – creative space- joy and positivity

Amethyst- living room- radiates positive vibrations, intuition and relaxing

Rose Quartz- self-love - bathroom

Celestite-nightstand- peaceful night sleep

Below is a variety crystal set that has an awesome assortment for beginning. I honestly prefer going to a local crystal shop to find specific ones. But this is a great foundation and an easy way to get started.


Since the pandemic I have taken my love of indoor plants to a whole new level. Everywhere you look in my house I have acquired a plant on the shelf or table or corner. I just love having so much greenery around me, it honestly makes such a big difference in a space. I had this preconceived notion that I was bad with plants – I think because I killed a fern when I was around 11 years old and those are supposedly kill proof. Well, I decided to give it another go in my 20s and now that I am in my 30s I could not imagine my home without plants.

When you are intimidated by houseplants I would start with some really easy ones.

  •          ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

To be honest keeping these few alive really gave me confidence to try more and varied types.

Studies have shown improvement in overall emotional well being when caring for plants. It is a way to bring nature into our homes and feel more connected which decreases anxiety. Plants also naturally purify the air which can improve levels of fatigue.

All in all plants are a great way to change the vibe in any space.

       FRESH AIR

This may sound silly but when in doubt open a window or a door. Get some air flow moving through your home. Let the sunshine in and breeze fill the room. It really is that simple. Get stagnate energy flowing and I promise you will feel a shift.


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