5 Steps to Create a Restful Nighttime Routine

You made it through another day and now it is time to get ready for bed YAY!! This is something we all have to do every night, so I am a big believer in setting a routine with intention. We all wash our faces and brush our teeth before going to bed. Here are 5 simple ways to bring down the day with gratitude and feel relaxed before our head hits the pillow.

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1.       Lighting- I turn my salt lamp on in my bedroom in the evening so by the time I head upstairs to go to bed it has been on for a few hours. When I open my bedroom door and see the warm glow of the light it instantly makes me feel relaxed and as if I am walking into my own little sanctuary – it’s crazy that just the right lighting can really set  the tone to feel so relaxed.

2.       While I am brushing my teeth I read over a notecard that I have written and I leave it right by my sink. On my notecard I wrote somewhat of a mission statement of what I want out of life. I read it twice a day just when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night and I swear it has made such a big difference in my life. I truly do believe that you have to ask for what you want and by thinking about this at least twice a day it sort of keeps this intention at your forefront and no longer on the backburner. I mean if you are brushing your teeth anyway why not read over a little card that reminds you of your goals and where you are headed.

3.       After I am finished in the bathroom I walk into the hallway where I have a little bench and a journal where I write at least one thing I am grateful for that day. I really enjoy ending the day on this note. It makes you think back on the day and remember the little details that maybe didn’t seem so important in the moment but end up being your favorite thing that day. These are the little moments that make a life feel full. Lets say you had a day that was really crummy and you don’t really feel happy about any little moments -  that’s when you think bigger. I am happy for my home, I am happy I had food to eat today, I am thankful for a warm shower, I am thankful I have my health, I am thankful I can pay my bills. . . . the list can go on and on. So on those days where you got into a disagreement with your spouse or your boss made you mad or your car broke down – just take a second to look at all the positive things that are literally surrounding you. I guarantee you will find one thing to be thankful for. By changing our perspective to a place of gratitude it promotes appreciation and wellbeing that can positively impact our physical and emotional health.

4.       Stretch! So much of our day is spent sitting at a desk or hunching over chasing after kiddos - there is something to be said with spending a few minutes stretching before laying down. I have a foam roller and yoga wheel that I use to lengthen and decompress. I prefer to use the larger wheel at night as a relaxing stretch and then I use the foam roller going down my spine and hamstrings. It is amazing how much tension we can hold in our bodies and by rolling out we are actively letting go of whatever stress we have accumulated throughout the day. During this time, I have all the lights turned off and I only have on my salt lamp nightlight. For me this is the perfect place to take some big breaths and bring down whatever craziness I have carried throughout the day.

5.       Now that I am ready to lay down I spray lavender on my pillow. First of all, I really do love the smell of lavender and secondly it promotes relaxation and decreases anxiety which is the perfect combination to promote a good night’s sleep. The reviews are on point!

This is my daily bedtime routine. I hope some of this can be helpful to you! Make your mental, physical and spiritual health apart of your daily life : )

PS - These are my most favorite sheets!!! I have been searching high and low for the perfect set and this is them hands down!


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