Lindsey K. Woodstock


I am passionate about all things holistic, spiritual, and feeling connected to the life you are living.

So excited to connect with you! A little bit of information on me and my background. I am a Nationally Board-Certified Occupational Therapist with additional training in holistic modalities, life coaching, sound therapy and Safe and Sound Protocol Provider. As a practitioner I am constantly looking at the latest research and evidence-based practices to offer the upmost care. Working in healthcare for so many years has given me a strong foundation of working with all backgrounds, ages, diagnosis, levels of trauma and assisting patients during vulnerable moments.  See below all the ways we could possibly work together. Look forward to hearing from you!

Reach out to me directly 904-868-6082

Bringing peaceful moments to everyday life.


I am a trained Safe and Sound provider which is a research based listening program that you complete in the comfort of your own home.  This system is created to help re-wire and regulate your nervous system by tapping into the Vagus Nerve through the Polyvagal theory.  If you struggle in any of the following areas or feel like you are constantly in fight, flight or freeze (which a lot of us are in this fast-paced world that can feel completely overwhelming at times) this could be the perfect fit for you. Previous clients have noted improved performance, sleep and digestion, decreased procrastination and being more at ease with life’s challenges. Every person and every experience will vary, but a more relaxed state is a common response.

Amazing results have been found with following diagnosis and can work with ages 2 and up


·         PTSD

·         Depression

·         Anxiety

·         ADHD

·         Emotional Dysregulation

·         Auditory Sensitivities

·         Auditory Processing Disorder

·         Sensory Processing Disorder

·         Misophonia

·         Selective Mutism

·         Autism Spectrum Disorders

·         Anger

·         Sleeping difficulty due to overthinking

·         Long hauler COVID


This program is completed by using over the ear headphones and listening to a provided playlist (classical music, popular adult playlist, or kids playlist) that has a filter to simulate the Vagus Nerve which resets the Autonomic Nervous System to Rest and Digest.  It is a way to re-wire the nervous system while you just relax and listen to music.

If you are interested in learning more about the program click here

“Music can heal the wounds which medicine cannot touch.” Debasish Mridha


“Sound is the medicine of the future.” Edgar Cayce

I have taken additional training in sound healing using tuning forks. This is a modality that has been around for thousands of years. Healing through sound and vibration that works with moving chi and energy from stored experiences in the body and energy field. When our energy or chi is not flowing properly that is when pathologies or illnesses arise. Every part of the body has its own rhythm and by working with the tuning forks it is a noninvasive way to get back “in tune”.

Tuning forks can help with a variety of illnesses as well as great reset to feel more in harmony with the life you are living. Check out this page to learn more and see if it is a good fit for you!


Work with me one on one for spiritual and wellness coaching. When working together we will create goals so that you are moving in a direction that is in line with your truest and authentic self. We will also be working through old blockages that may be holding you back to reaching your fullest potential, incorporating daily practices to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing and bringing your vision all together by harmonizing the old with the new. This is a journey and one that I would truly be honored to be a part of.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein


Losing James Gaining an Angel

I wrote this book after my brother lost his life to an accidental overdose. After he passed away, I had a hard time coping and began writing as my own way to process my emotions. The feelings were complex and all consuming. In the book I talk about my experience through the first year -  from the phone call that turns your world upside down, writing a eulogy when you are at a loss of words, all of the “firsts”, the stages of grief and how it evolves.

The Mental Health and Recovery Community is something near and dear to my heart. I have been invited to speak at the Fern House to raise awareness on the impact of the family and as a motivator to those working on their sobriety.

 If you are interested in connecting for possible public speaking, or any involvement in this community please reach out here.

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” ― Vicki Harrison